Home Cosmetology and Beauty Schools by State Iowa Cosmetology and Beauty Schools Beauty Schools in Des Moines

Beauty Schools in Des Moines

For those who hope to become a cosmetologist, nail technician, or esthetician in Iowa, there are many benefits to studying in Des Moines. Des Moines is the largest city in Iowa, with over 207,000 residents. The range of schools in this area, which include Iowa School of Beauty and American College of Hairstyling, can offer you a comprehensive education.

If you want to learn as much as possible, you may want to look at your school’s student-to-teacher ratio. This ratio can give you a good idea of how much one-on-one attention you can expect from your instructors. In addition, make sure the school you choose offers the program of your choice. If you want to become a nail technician or esthetician, you need a very different curriculum than someone who wants to become a cosmetologist.

Des Moines is home to a handful of schools that offer beauty programs. Available programs include cosmetology, esthetics, skin care, nail care, and barbering. No matter which school you attend, there are several reasons to join a local association like the Cosmetologists and Barbers of Iowa. This group hosts regular competitions, offers weekly legislative updates, and can put you in contact with industry leaders in your area.

Classes that help you succeed

Cosmetology school may offer a well-rounded educational experience that gives you plenty of hands-on practice and theoretical knowledge. You may learn about state cosmetology laws, including safety laws, hygiene laws, and how to keep a tidy work station. Your curriculum may also tackle how to talk to clients, assess their face shape and hair type, and listen to their preferences to create the perfect hair style.

When you decide to begin your career in Iowa, you can anticipate a very promising job outlook. O*Net reports an expected 18% increase in cosmetology job openings between 2010 and 2020. This growth rate is 5% higher than the national average (O*Net, 2010)! On average, this may lead to 300 new jobs each year across the state.

Career opportunities and salaries for graduates

Salaries vary widely in Iowa, depending on experience, seniority, and numerous other factors. The majority of cosmetologists earn between $16,500 and $38,600 per year, and the average salary in this field is $22,400 per year (O*Net, 2013). You may be able to earn more if you have a loyal client base, since tips may make up a sizable part of your income.

Make this the day you commit to the career you want in the field of cosmetology! Request information from the schools in your area today!

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