Home Cosmetology and Beauty Schools by State Minnesota Beauty Schools by Program Cosmetology Schools in Minneapolis

Cosmetology Schools in Minneapolis

Join the Minneapolis beauty community!

The large city of Minneapolis, home to over 382,000 people, may be an excellent city for aspiring cosmetology professionals. This city is very close to St. Paul, another prominent Minnesota city, giving you a wide base of potential clients. You may want to attend a Minneapolis beauty school to get started. These schools include Aveda Institute and Minneapolis Community and Technical College.

All Beauty Programs in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Minneapolis, MN
Cosmetology / Esthetics/Skin Care / Massage Therapy

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Minneapolis, MN
Make-Up Artist Training
Minneapolis, MN
Minneapolis, MN
Esthetics/Skin Care
Minneapolis, MN
Esthetics/Skin Care
School Accreditation

You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.

Consider which school is best for your needs before signing up with a school. You may want to look at each school’s location; Minneapolis is fairly large, and you may want to get to school as quickly and easily as possible. Contact the schools you’re interested in to see if you can see a class in session. This may give you a feel for whether or not the school suits your learning style.

There are many beauty schools in Minneapolis and educational opportunities. You may wish to join a local beauty association. The National Cosmetology Association of Minnesota offers many different services to members, including continuing education services, networking events, and legislative updates. The Salon and Spa Professional Association serves professionals in the Upper Midwest, including Minnesota.

Learn how to make your clients feel amazing!

Customer service is a prominent part of your new career choice, which may be why you focus on it during your education. While you may learn basic customer service skills early on, you put them to the test when you work with real clients at the end of your training. You may practice your skills on mannequin heads in the early stages of your education, and you can hone them further when working with clients under the oversight of an instructor.

Career outlook for beauty professionals

Minnesota offers an extremely promising job outlook to cosmetology professionals. According to O*Net, job openings for cosmetologists may increase 14% between 2010 and 2020. This growth rate is slightly higher than the national average of 13% (O*Net, 2010). Across the state, this may yield almost 500 new jobs per year.

Cosmetology salaries in Minnesota are on par with the national average. The average salary for a Minnesota cosmetologist is $23,500 per year, which is slightly higher than the national average (O*Net, 2013). The reported range of salaries in this state goes from $16,700 to $43,800 per year (O*Net, 2013).

Start your journey towards a new career in the field of cosmetology! Contact the schools in your area today to learn more!

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