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Beauty Schools in Naperville

Spark Your Career in Beauty!

Naperville, a booming Chicago suburb that offers plenty of suburban amenities to its 143,000 residents, has a range of beauty schools and salons for aspiring cosmetology professionals. If you want to begin a cosmetology career in this area, you may wish to start by attending one of the beauty schools in Naperville. Our goal is to help you find the right program as quickly as possible so you can start training. We don’t charge a dime for you to use our directory, so contact as many schools as you want to compare program information.

All Beauty Programs in Naperville, Illinois

Naperville, IL
Esthetics/Skin Care

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Naperville, IL
Make-Up Artist Training
Naperville, IL
Permanent Make-Up
School Accreditation

You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.

It’s highly important to carefully assess each beauty school in Naperville that you want to attend before enrolling in classes. You may want to look for a school that has flexible class scheduling, particularly if you plan on working while attending school. Reading online reviews can tell you about what other students think of the school and its instructors. Look through each school’s curriculum to see how much time is spent on each specialty.

There are several beauty schools in Naperville and the surrounding area that can give you a thorough education in cosmetology, nail care, skin care, and barbering. While attending school, you may want to take advantage of local events and shows. The Illinois Association of Cosmetology Schools hosts a student competition every November with contests in long hair, hair coloring, makeup, and nail care.

Learn the skills to amaze your clients!

Your beauty school experience will likely be rigorous and multi-faceted, since it’s meant to prepare you for all of the job tasks that you’ll take on as a cosmetologist. Early in your program, you’ll likely look at all the cosmetology tools you have and learn about their names, what they’re used for, and how to use them. Your practical skills may start with basic cuts and styles. However, by the time you graduate, you may know how to develop new styles, various nail care techniques, and skin treatments.

Career Outlook and Salary Information for Cosmetologists

One of the benefits of attending school in Illinois is the excellent job outlook. O*Net expects the demand for cosmetologists in Illinois to increase by 22% between 2010 and 2020. This growth is much more expansive than the national average (O*Net, 2010). Across Illinois, this may lead to more than 1,000 new jobs each year.

The average annual salary for an Illinois cosmetologist is $24,500 (O*Net, 2013). This is slightly higher than the national average salary (O*Net, 2013). O*Net reports salaries from $18,100 to $43,900 per year in Illinois. It’s likely that your income potential will increase as you gain experience and seniority in this field.
Find out how amazing a career in beauty can be! Contact the schools in our directory today to learn more!

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