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Cosmetology Schools in Fort Lauderdale

Choosing to further your education can be a huge (and rewarding) step. If you’re looking to make the leap to try to become a licensed beauty professional, your first step should be finding a quality beauty school. BeautySchools.com is here to help you connect with beauty schools in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. You can use our free directory to find and compare programs near you. You’ll want to contact multiple schools to be certain you choose the best one. Good luck on your journey towards a beautiful career!

You’ll find quite a few beauty schools located in and around Ft. Lauderdale. Some, in particular, include the American Institute School of Wellness and Beauty, the Hollywood Institute of Beauty Careers and the Aveda Institute of Ft. Lauderdale/Miami. Some of the beauty courses you’ll find at the aforementioned schools include: nail technician, hair stylist, cosmetologist, body wrapping and facials. You can also choose a course to become a full specialist, which is when you study more than one area, such as manicurist, hair stylist and/or skincare tech.

Each of these courses has a specified number of hours you have to complete in order to obtain your license. Here is a list of the hour requirements, according to the Florida Board of Cosmetology:

• Cosmetologist – 1,200 hours
• Facial specialist – 260 hours
• Body wrapper – 12 hours
• Nail tech – 240 hours

To learn more about the available courses you can take, please browse our beauty school database for institutions to contact.

Getting Licensed in a Beauty Field

It’s common for people to pursue a beauty career in hair styling, skincare, and makeup, but if you’re interested in trying something different or want to add-on a specialty to your cosmetology or hair styling license, then you may be interested in taking up one of the following courses:

Body wrapping: Likely, you’ve heard of this popular treatment, which consists of wrapping different areas of the body with an herbal wrap, in order to release toxins and excess water, which tightens the skin and produces a more even appearance

Hair wrapping: This is commonly seen at amusement parks, where manufactured materials are used to wrap a clients’ hair. This results in a braid-like, colorful design.

Full Specialist: If you’d like to do a bit of everything, you may want to pursue a course that entails everything: nails, hair, makeup and/or hair removal.

As you’re perusing the beauty programs you want to take, it’s important to keep in mind your business goals. If you’d like to be a one-stop beautician, then you should work for a full specialist license. If variety isn’t necessarily your thing, you can certainly focus on the specific services you want to offer to your clientele. It’s common for some folks to take up more than one course to extend their expertise, but it’s definitely not mandatory. Different strokes for different folks, as they say.

Becoming a Paid Beauty Professional

Now that you’ve obtained your license in one or more beauty fields, you can begin looking for work. Finally, the money part! You can do this by browsing job boards online and attending networking events. Contacting local beauty salons is another good idea, as some spas and salons will let you rent out your own space. If you find that you enjoy working for yourself rather than answer to ‘the man’ or ‘the woman,’ maybe you’d even want to open up your own beauty salon. Explore your options, as there are many ways to elevate your beauty career.

Like any other job, the amount of money you can earn in the beauty profession varies. To give you a ballpark idea, here are the annual salaries of common beauty fields in Ft. Lauderdale, based on the data provided by O*Net:

• Cosmetologist/Hair Stylist — $17,100 to $35,800
• Manicurist/Pedicurist — $16,600 to $34,800
• Shampooer — $16,500 to $19,000

The outlook for the cosmetology field in Florida is expected to increase by 12% from 2010 to 2020, which is an estimate of 1,260 new job openings.

Don’t wait to realize your potential for a career in the beauty industry! Contact the beauty schools in Fort Lauderdale today to learn more!

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