Why should I go to cosmetology school?

Why should I go to cosmetology school?



There are a number of different reasons why students may decide to go into cosmetology school and enter into the beauty and wellness industry.  Here are some of the top reasons why students like you have made the leap into this exciting career field!


1.  Creative Freedom

Cosmetologists are more than just hairstylists, they are artists.  One of the top reasons cosmetologists pursue a beauty career is because they live for being able to express themselves through their work.  If you enjoy using creative freedom to experiment with new designs, techniques and styles to see transformation, then a career in the beauty industry is just what you need.  Sound like you?


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2. Flexibility

Unlike other careers where you are tied down to a 9:00-5:00 routine, often times sitting at a desk, the cosmetology industry allows you to be flexible with your schedule.  You may be a night owl and prefer to work on clients later in the evening, or maybe you enjoy working on weekends instead.  Working in a salon you will need to work with their hours, but typically you can choose when to put in your time.

3.  Exponential Opportunities

You determine how far you go in the beauty industry by pursing career options that most interest you.  Do you want to work in a salon doing different styling methods and beauty treatment regimes?  Do you want to open your own boutique and work for yourself?  Do you want to perfect the art of makeup artistry and work for top celebrities, fashion magazines or public figures?  In order to do what you aspire to doing, you decide how much work you will put into it.  Will you take continued education opportunities?  Will you network with top professionals in your field?  World renowned hairstylist and author of The Fantastic Hairdresser, Alan Austin-Smith, sums up how to approach your cosmetology goals brilliantly in his book, writing:

“Making the most of your life, achieving the success you desire and having fun doing it.”

4.  Job Security

Even with the job market struggling over the past several years, the cosmetology industry has withstood the instability and has continued to grow.  In 2011, total sales in the beauty and personal care industry totaled near $426 billion.  In addition, the need to look and feel beautiful has only gained momentum.  According to beauty salon industry reports, there were roughly 86,000 beauty establishments nationwide that combined for over $20 billion in revenue in 2012.  It is expected that the number of salons and the revenue gained from not only salons but cosmetics and other beauty products will continue to grow.

5. Connecting with People

Not only do you get to express your creativity day in and day out but you get to make lasting relationships with people.  In salons across the country, you will find that lasting bonds have been formed between stylist and client.  If you truly enjoy the company of other’s and the chance to help transform them physically, then the cosmetology industry is just for you.

Begin your journey in the beauty industry by finding the best cosmetology schools!

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How long will it take me to complete cosmetology school?

How long will it take me to complete cosmetology school?



Besides getting into an industry that is creative, fast-paced and often times very flexible, one of the biggest perks about cosmetology school is the amount of time you can complete a beauty program and get started in your career.  Unlike traditional colleges, which will often take you four years to complete a bachelor’s degree, you can find a cosmetology school that allows you to complete your training in as little as eight months or up to two years depending on if you decide to pursue your education full or part-time.  Some schools require that you complete the necessary training in a set amount of time, so it is important to check with schools you are interested in.  On average, a full cosmetology program can be completed in 12 to 14 months.


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What factors influence the length of a cosmetology school?

Each state has its own licensing requirements for cosmetology professionals, which will be the main factor in how many hours you will be required to complete in a beauty program from an accredited cosmetology school.  Typically, you will attend school six to eight hours a day, as if you werre working  a full-time job, five days a week.  For example, in Tennessee you must complete 1,500 hours of cosmetology school before applying for licensure, with most programs being able to be finished in roughly a year.

The next thing to consider when looking at cosmetology schools is to look at different programs.  The amount of time it takes to complete a full cosmetology program that covers hairstyling, makeup, esthetics, nails and more will take you longer than if you opt for choosing to focus on a specialty. Again, these specialized programs, such as massage therapy, barbering and makeup, are based on the required hours on a state by state level so each program will vary slightly.  A good rule of thumb is a program that requires 600 hours of training will last roughly five months and a program that requires 750 hours of training may take closer to six months.

Be sure to check your state’s requirements for each individual program.

Can I choose to go to cosmetology school part-time?

A number of students who are interested in going to beauty school will choose to take classes and training on a part-time basis.  Often times, these students are parents or have decided to work part-time in order to pay for tuition costs themselves.  A majority of the cosmetology schools across the country will give you this option, but be sure to check when searching for programs in your area to see if your state requires you finish your training within a maximum time frame.

Now all you need to do is find a school!

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Is continued education required for cosmetologists?

Is continued education required for cosmetologists?



Depending on the state in which you have received your cosmetology license, you may be required to take continued education classes either on a yearly basis or a set number of hours before renewing your license. For example, Ohio requires that you complete eight continued education classes between each two year renewal period focusing on hair, nails, skin care, relaxation massage and business practices.  Alabama, Florida and North Carolina on the other hand, require that as a cosmetology professional you complete a minimum of 16 hours of continued education courses.  It is important to check with your state licensing agency to determine if you will need to take into consideration required continued education hours.  Although not every state requires continued education, every state recommends it.

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Why is continued education in cosmetology important?

The cosmetology industry is constantly changing and evolving to meet customer’s wants and demands.  The only way to really stay updated on the top trends, styles and products is to immense yourself into the cosmetology culture and seek out additional education opportunities.

“Despite every minute you spend in the classroom and every hour you log while practicing to be a cosmetologist, receiving a license does not mean your learning is over.” –Avenue Five Institute

As a cosmetology professional, taking these continued education courses when you aren’t necessarily required show potential employers and customers that you care enough about the cosmetology industry to take the necessary steps to grow professionally.

Where can I find continued education opportunities?

There are numerous schools across the country that offer continued education opportunities, many for free to past cosmetology students of the program.  While looking for cosmetology schools, be sure to ask if continued education opportunities are offered.  Regardless of where you decide to pursue continuing your cosmetology education your courses will focus on advancing your skills in new and more skilled techniques.  You should also join national and state associations to stay informed on current course offerings through these groups.  The Professional Beauty Association and the  American Association of Cosmetology Schools both do an excellent job of either sponsoring and holding or spreading the word on continuing education opportunities.
requirements as the state you would like to work, you can most likely receive reciprocity. To find out if your license is eligible for reciprocity, contact the Board of Cosmetology in the state that you want to work in. They will determine whether or not reciprocity is an option for you.

But of course, before you get licensed you will need to finish your training from an accredited cosmetology program.

Get in touch with a cosmetology school

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