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Is continued education required for cosmetologists?



Depending on the state in which you have received your cosmetology license, you may be required to take continued education classes either on a yearly basis or a set number of hours before renewing your license. For example, Ohio requires that you complete eight continued education classes between each two year renewal period focusing on hair, nails, skin care, relaxation massage and business practices.  Alabama, Florida and North Carolina on the other hand, require that as a cosmetology professional you complete a minimum of 16 hours of continued education courses.  It is important to check with your state licensing agency to determine if you will need to take into consideration required continued education hours.  Although not every state requires continued education, every state recommends it.

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Why is continued education in cosmetology important?

The cosmetology industry is constantly changing and evolving to meet customer’s wants and demands.  The only way to really stay updated on the top trends, styles and products is to immense yourself into the cosmetology culture and seek out additional education opportunities.

“Despite every minute you spend in the classroom and every hour you log while practicing to be a cosmetologist, receiving a license does not mean your learning is over.” –Avenue Five Institute

As a cosmetology professional, taking these continued education courses when you aren’t necessarily required show potential employers and customers that you care enough about the cosmetology industry to take the necessary steps to grow professionally.

Where can I find continued education opportunities?

There are numerous schools across the country that offer continued education opportunities, many for free to past cosmetology students of the program.  While looking for cosmetology schools, be sure to ask if continued education opportunities are offered.  Regardless of where you decide to pursue continuing your cosmetology education your courses will focus on advancing your skills in new and more skilled techniques.  You should also join national and state associations to stay informed on current course offerings through these groups.  The Professional Beauty Association and the  American Association of Cosmetology Schools both do an excellent job of either sponsoring and holding or spreading the word on continuing education opportunities.
requirements as the state you would like to work, you can most likely receive reciprocity. To find out if your license is eligible for reciprocity, contact the Board of Cosmetology in the state that you want to work in. They will determine whether or not reciprocity is an option for you.

But of course, before you get licensed you will need to finish your training from an accredited cosmetology program.

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