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Makeup Artist Licensing in Vermont



Vermont Makeup License Requirements

If you have a love for all things makeup and want to turn your passion into a career, you probably want to know if you need a Vermont make up artist license. The answer is yes, and no, actually. Vermont currently does not have a makeup license that is specific to makeup artistry. However, you must either earn your cosmetologist or esthetician license to work legally in this state. Both types of programs will include a makeup curriculum, but neither one is a substitute for makeup artist specific training. In a makeup artist program, you can learn the foundational skills and specializations for a full range of services.

Many makeup artist students also take a cosmetology or esthetician program during their makeup training. That’s why many beauty schools offer all of these types of programs for students to get as much training as possible.

To explore those options, and to compare the requirements for each one, use the links below:

Vermont cosmetology programs
Vermont esthetician programs

Cosmetology and esthetics programs typically have make up courses that cover the basics. Cosmetology programs will also give you hair and nail skills, as well as some esthetician training. Esthetician programs sometimes have a bit more makeup training than cosmetology programs. They also include waxing, hair removal, and facial courses. All of these programs can help you find work in salons and spas.

Ready to learn more about makeup artist schools in your area? Contact the schools on this page to get started today!

Education Requirements to Get a Makeup Artist License in Vermont

Even though you do not have to follow a set curriculum in makeup artist programs for state requirements, you should choose a program that will prepare you for the career you want.

Makeup courses in Vermont can include:

• Wedding
• Color theory
• FX
• Daytime/evening
• Senior
• Male
• Film/TV
• Character/theater

Makeup artist courses can vary from school to school. That’s why you will want to compare the curriculum of several programs before you enroll in one. Schools will also have differences in cost, fees, financial aid, and relationships with employers, timeline for completion, and other points of consideration. That’s why you should compare several programs before making a final decision.

How to Get a Makeup Artist License Renewed in Vermont

Whether you earn a cosmetology or esthetician license to work in makeup, you will need to keep up with renewal to keep in good standing with the state. The fee is $130 to renew either type of application.

Here are the applications for renewal:

Esthetician renewal
Cosmetology renewal

Licenses must be renewed by November 30 in odd-numbered years. Vermont also requires 24 hours of continuing education credits to maintain in good standing.

Don’t wait to find out how you can work in the beauty industry as a make up artist. Contact the makeup schools listed here to find the right program.

Find Make-Up Artist Training Programs in Vermont

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Burlington, VT
Make-Up Artist Training
School Accreditation

You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.