Home Cosmetology and Beauty Schools by State Washington Cosmetology and Beauty Schools Hair Braiding Programs in Washington

Hair Braiding Programs in Washington

Everyone wants different things from their style and beauty routines. For some, braiding is the perfect solution. Hair braiders can create styles that last a long time, keep hair smooth and beautiful, and show off a person’s best features.

Learn how to become a braider by requesting information about hair braiding programs in Washington.

Overview of Hair Braiding Schools and Curriculum in Washington

Providing great service to your customers is what it’s all about, and it all starts with high-quality training and education. By learning from an experienced braider and instructor, you can deliver the long-lasting braids that customers want. Your instructor may help you master a wide variety of braids, from cornrowing and weaving to twisting and locking. They should also cover basic customer service skills, including those that help you keep customers entertained and comfortable while getting braided. In the theory part of your training, you may learn about the Washington cosmetology laws that affect your business and how to apply them to your work.

Hair Braider Licensing in Washington

The licensing process for hair braiders in Washington is a great example of how braiders and lobbyists have worked to enforce practical and fair requirements for braiders across the country. In the past, braiders in this state needed a full cosmetology license to practice. However, as of 2014, the state put a law on the books that fully exempted all braiders from cosmetology licensing requirements. Because of this, you can begin your braiding career whenever you feel you have the skills and knowledge you need to fully serve customers.

Job and Employment Outlook for Hair Braiders in Washington

As a new cosmetology professional in Washington, you may have the skills you need to earn a competitive range of salaries. According to O*Net, the average salary for a Washington cosmetology professional is $28,700 per year. This is more than $5,000 more per year than the national average (O*Net, 2014). Through the year 2022, O*Net predicts a 20% increase in cosmetology jobs throughout the state.

Ready to make your mark on the cosmetology industry? Reach out to hair braiding programs in Washington to find out how to get started.