Home Cosmetology and Beauty Schools by State South Carolina Cosmetology and Beauty Schools Hair Braiding Programs in South Carolina

Hair Braiding Programs in South Carolina

Within the cosmetology industry, there are many career paths and specialties you can explore. Gaining a specialized skill can make you an asset to the beauty industry and help you reach clients of varying needs. Hair braiding is an important skill that originated in western Africa.

Learn more about hair braiding programs in South Carolina and what they cover by requesting program details from the schools below.

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North Charleston, SC
Hair Braiding
School Accreditation

You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.

Overview of Hair Braiding Schools and Curriculum in South Carolina

Training programs in South Carolina can help you build your braiding skills and learn the styles that customers want. Covered techniques in your program may include twisting, locking, weaving, cornrowing, and braiding. Programs in South Carolina differ slightly from those in other states, as South Carolina does not allow braiders to put in extensions. By getting in plenty of practice time and learning from your instructors’ experience, you can start to become confident in your chosen field and make connections with possible employers.

Hair Braider Licensing in South Carolina

In response to growing demand for braiding services and fair licensing laws for hair braiders-to-be, the South Carolina Board of Cosmetology has created a separate licensing process for braiders. To qualify for a license, you must complete a six-hour training course that mainly focuses on safety and hygiene. You can then take an exam, pay a $25 licensing fee, and get your braiding license. Keep in mind that in the state of South Carolina, braiders are not allowed to put in extensions.

Job and Employment Outlook for Hair Braiders in South Carolina

South Carolina could be the perfect place for you to start your braiding career. Growth in the cosmetology industry is expected to remain strong for years to come. By 2022, O*Net predicts a 14% increase in cosmetology jobs. This statistic includes braiding jobs.
You may find that salaries in this specialty vary quite a bit from person to person. Overall, the average salary for a South Carolina cosmetology professional is $20,000 per year (O*Net, 2014).

Start preparing for your new career today. Contact hair braiding schools in South Carolina to get started.