Home Cosmetology and Beauty Schools by State North Dakota Cosmetology and Beauty Schools Makeup Artist Schools in North Dakota

Makeup Artist Schools in North Dakota

In order to work as a professional make-up artist, it is essential that you obtain a degree in esthetics or cosmetology before taking specialized make-up courses. This will insure that you understand all aspects of your job, including sanitation, business ethics and style.

Make-Up Artist Licensing in North Dakota

Before the North Dakota Board of Cosmetology will allow you to sit for your written or practical exams, you must complete training. Cosmetology students must train for 1800 hours and esthetics students must train for 600 hours. North Dakota does not allow you to substitute apprenticeship hours for training at an accredited school. After you complete training and successfully pass your exams, the board will issue your license.

You will have to renew your license every year by December 31st. Estheticians must pay $15 to renew and cosmetologists must pay $25 to renew. You are not required to obtain any CEU credits to renew. However, the only way you will ever be able to master new techniques is if you make an effort to continue learning throughout your career.

If you are licensed in another state and would like to work in North Dakota, you have to fill out the transfer application and pay the current fees. You must also provide the board with proof of your Licensure. There must also be no outstanding issues in regards to your license. The board will then look at your training and the exams you have taken to see if they are equivalent to the state’s minimal requirements for licensure. In addition, North Dakota counts 3000 hours of licensed work experience as 300 training hours. If your training, testing and experience are equivalent to North Dakota’s minimal requirements for licensure, the board will issue your license. If not, you will have to train more or take the sanitation and law exams.

Specialized Make-Up Training

Many beauty professionals that are serious about turning make-up artistry into their primary profession or a serious freelance source of income, decide to take specialized courses after obtaining a license.

Job and Employment Outlook for Make-Up Artists in North Dakota

According to the BLS, Estheticians in North Dakota will earn approximately $28,900 a year and Cosmetologists will earn approximately $22,500 a year. This is great news because the cost of living in North Dakota is significantly lower than many other places in the US, so your income will definitely stretch.

Professional make-up is rarely a full time gig, unless you are working on a regular TV show, or in a theater that has performances every day. Many make-up Artists do work full time as estheticians or cosmetologists and then opt to work professionally as make-up artists in the evenings and on weekends.

The best towns to work as a beauty professional in North Dakota are high quality of life towns like Bismarck, Mandan and Fargo, along with towns that offer many tourist draws like Dickinson, Jamestown, Grand Forks and Minot.