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Cosmetology Instructor Training in Massachusetts

In Massachusetts, you can find plenty of cosmetology instructor training programs to assist you in developing presentation skills and teaching methodologies to become a great cosmetology instructor. Established instructors will pass on their knowledge of teaching techniques, lesson plans and classroom management to help you improve your own abilities.

Due to the flexible licensing requirements of cosmetology instructors in Massachusetts, you can find a program that offers the courses you want and that has a schedule to fit your needs. The Massachusetts Code does not state the specific courses or program length that is needed for your licensure, so this is a determination that you can make on your own.

If you want to gain experience in working with students and in refining your presentation skills, then you may want to seek a cosmetology instructor program that is more technical in nature. Some programs focus on helping you develop creative lesson plans. You can also learn how to foster a team-building mentality amongst your students by choosing cosmetology instructor training programs that are technical in nature.

Licensing Requirements for Cosmetology Instructors in Massachusetts

The Massachusetts Code puts forth different level types for the cosmetology instructor licenses that are available to you. For a Type 1 license, you must have at least two years of experience as a cosmetologist or have served as a junior assistant instructor for two years. For a Type 4 licensure, you must file an application with the Board, pay the required fee and achieve a passing score on the written and practical examination. With a Type 4 license, you may legally be employed in a cosmetology salon, manicuring salon or aesthetics salon if you also have a cosmetologist license. To become an assistant cosmetology instructor, you only need two years of practical experience and to receive approval from the Board.

Employment Opportunities in Massachusetts for Cosmetology Instructors

You may find that the salary of a cosmetology instructor in Massachusetts is much better in comparison with other states. The starting salary can vary from $40,000 to $60,000 a year. Established cosmetology instructors can earn as much as $70,000 a year. The BLS reports that the median salary for vocational education teachers in the state is $57,000 a year. You can find plenty of job opportunities as cosmetology instructors due to the many private beauty schools in Massachusetts. There are also many opportunities for you to teach theoretical courses in one of the many private or public colleges located in the state.  Additionally, you have the option of becoming part of the state board.