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Hair Braiding Programs in Kentucky

Few industries have the same variety of opportunities that cosmetology has. As an aspiring cosmetology professional, you may be interested in a career that allows you to use your hands and develop a diverse skill set. Does this sound like you? If so, contact hair braiding programs in Kentucky to get started.

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Radcliff, KY
Continuing Education / Cosmetology / Hair Braiding / Nail Technology / Teacher Training
School Accreditation

You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.

Overview of Hair Braiding Schools and Curriculum in Kentucky

One of the most important things you can do to succeed as a hair braider is completing your education. By learning from experienced braiding professionals, you can develop many diverse and in-demand skills. After tackling braiding and cornrowing, two of the most popular customer requests, you may advance to high-level techniques like twisting, locking, and cornrowing.

Practice is the name of the game in braiding. As you move through your education, you should become more accurate and work more quickly with different braiding techniques. This can prepare you to meet and even exceed your customers’ expectations.

Hair Braider Licensing in Kentucky

Kentucky is one in a group of states that has extensive licensing laws for hair braiders. According to the Kentucky Board of Hairdressers & Cosmetologists, hair braiders cannot complete just a separate braiding course to become licensed. Instead, they must get at least 1,800 hours of education in an approved cosmetology program. When you have your cosmetology license, you may start your career as a licensed hair braider. Licensing laws may change in the future, so it’s important to stay up-to-date in the industry.

Job and Employment Outlook for Hair Braiders in Kentucky

Through the year 2022, you may see steady growth in Kentucky’s beauty industry. This may pan out well for you when you start looking for a job as a braider. Per O*Net, job openings for Kentucky cosmetology professionals may increase by 5% through 2022.

Salaries vary quite a bit from braider to braider. However, the average salary for a cosmetology worker in Kentucky is $19,900 per year (O*Net, 2014).

Becoming a braider may allow you to explore your creativity and take your career further. Get more information now by contacting hair braiding programs in Kentucky.