Home Cosmetology and Beauty Schools by State Colorado Cosmetology and Beauty Schools Makeup Artist Schools in Colorado

Makeup Artist Schools in Colorado

Imagine a career that lets you express your creativity and make others feel confident about who they are. As a makeup artist in Colorado, you have opportunities in cities large and small to make a name for yourself and build a solid career.

Find Make-Up Artist Training Programs in Colorado

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Denver, CO
Make-Up Artist Training
Denver, CO
Make-Up Artist Training
School Accreditation

You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.

Whether you want to work in a salon or from home, the first step is finding the training you need to offer quality work.

Professional makeup artists must complete at least 140 days in an accredited makeup artistry school in Colorado. 

BeautySchools.com makes it easy for students like you to contact schools in your area. We recommend contacting 2 or 3 of the closest schools to start with. That way, you can get a good sense of which program will help you accomplish your goals. Although many courses will be the same at most makeup artist schools, there can be several differences. For instances, some schools may have a focus on business management skills, which can help you prepare to run your own salon. Other schools may have scholarship opportunities that you can take advantage of. That’s why it’s in your best interest to shop around. And that’s why we are your first resource for getting started.

With BeautySchools.com you can contact the following schools…

  • College of International Esthetics, Inc.
  • Empire Beauty School
  • Xenon Academy
  • International Salon and Spa Academy
  • The Salon Professional Academy
  • Toni & Guy Hairdressing
  • Aveda Institute
  • Regency Beauty Institute
  • Institute of Business and Medical Careers

Overview of Make-up Artist Schools and Curriculum in Colorado

Pursuing your educational requirements can be exciting if you love makeup! Even though you have practiced on yourself, friends, and others while developing your interest – there is so much you can learn! Here are some of the techniques and courses you may take during makeup artist training:

– Fundamental techniques
– Airbrushing
– Bridal makeup
– Makeup for print and television advertising
– Skin types
– Color choices
– Design
– Consultation
– Safety & sanitation
– And more!

Be sure to talk to each school about their specific course requirements to be sure you learn the skills to achieve your goals.

Make-up Artist Licensing in Colorado

In Colorado, makeup artists are required to have a license. Makeup artists must complete at least 140 days in an accredited makeup artistry school in the state. After graduating from an accredited program, students will take the written and practical exams that are administered by the state. There is no minimum grade requirement for those who wish to pursue a makeup artistry license. One does have to be at least 16 years of age to pursue the makeup artistry license. The fee for a makeup artistry license in Colorado is $165. These minimal requirements will be easy for you to complete, and there are makeup artistry instructors who are ready to impart their knowledge to you at makeup artist schools.

Job and Employment Outlook for Make-up Artists in Colorado

The career outlook for makeup artists depends on several factors, including how many hours you work, how many clients you take on, and where you work. Ask each school how they prepare graduates for success. Ask them what employers they work with and what the career placement rate is. Every school has their own relationships and reputation. Make sure you do your homework before making a decision.

The BLS states that the annual average salary for makeup artists in Colorado is about $36,000 a year. There are only 630 makeup artists and other skin care specialists currently employed in the state, leaving many career opportunities available to newcomers.

Even if schools in your area do not offer makeup specific programs, you may consider enrolling in a complete cosmetology program. This can give you a wider range of skills and prepare you for more career opportunities. Don’t wait to find out what your options are. Contact the featured schools below to get started!