Home Cosmetology and Beauty Schools by State Arkansas Cosmetology and Beauty Schools Hair Braiding Programs in Arkansas

Hair Braiding Programs in Arkansas

Becoming a hair braider can be an excellent way to put your creativity, your passion for the cosmetology industry, and your steady hands to work. Hair braiding is a field in which you can build a strong base of knowledge and use your creativity to create your own styles.

Keep reading to learn more about hair braiding programs in Arkansas then contact the schools you are interested in to learn more about your options.

Overview of Hair Braiding Schools and Curriculum in Arkansas

Getting the proper training and education can help you become a confident, accomplished hair braider. Programs in Arkansas tend to last several months. You may delve into many diverse techniques, including weaving, braiding, cornrowing, twisting, and locking. Hands-on practice is a critical part of this degree, so get ready to work with many different clients.

However, your education may not stop there. You can also look at business management skills, which may permit you to open your own braiding business and become an entrepreneur. In addition, you should cover cosmetology laws and standards in Arkansas.

Hair Braider Licensing in Arkansas

Hair braiding requirements in Arkansas are fairly stringent, so be ready to work hard to become a licensed braider. Arkansas, like many other states, requires braiders to complete an entire cosmetology course before obtaining a license. However, lobbying groups are pushing to change regulations throughout the country, so laws may change before you pursue your license.

Currently, you must complete 1,500 hours of training and apply for licensure via the Arkansas Department of Health.

Job and Employment Outlook for Hair Braiders in Arkansas

Arkansas has a stable, strong cosmetology industry that may have many opportunities for you when you are ready to graduate. By the year 2022, $21,700 per year (O*Net, 2013).

In the state of Arkansas, you have the chance to make your mark in a new cosmetology field and enjoy a rewarding career.

Get started today by looking at our schools list and contacting hair braiding schools in Arkansas for more information.