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Makeup Artist Licensing in Kansas



Kansas Makeup Artist License Requirements

Creative people who want to earn their Kansas makeup artist license have a variety of career options in this Mid-western state. Whether you want to work in TV, advertising, film projects, or other environments for makeup artists, you will need to pursue one of two forms of licensure in Kansas.

To earn the equivalent of a makeup license in Kansas, you can either earn your cosmetology or esthetics license.

First, you would be required to complete training from a program approved by the Kansas Board of Cosmetology.

So if you are looking for a KS makeup license and think you might fit in with a cosmetology or esthetician training program that includes makeup artist courses, you can visit our pages dedicated to prospective makeup artist students who live in Kansas.

Compare the programs below to find specific requirements on the path to licensure:

Kansas cosmetology programs
Kansas esthetics and skin care schools

If your main goal is becoming a makeup artist, you should still consider programs that are specific to this area to make sure you have the best skills possible. Many makeup programs are relatively short. Some can be completed in a few weeks or months, and may be the perfect complement to a cosmetology or esthetics program.

Ready to put some sparkle in your career? Contact the make up artist schools in Kansas listed here to discuss your best path to licensure.

Education Requirements to Get A Makeup Artist License in Kansas

Even though you do not have specific requirements for makeup artist programs, you will need to understand the topics that are addressed on the written and practical exam. When you speak to schools about their cosmetology, esthetics, or makeup programs, be sure to ask if their courses prepare for the appropriate testing exams.

When choosing makeup artist programs, you will want to ensure the courses cover all the areas professionals need to master. In this field, you will always want to be on the lookout for one-off courses, workshops, and additional education opportunities as well.

Make artist courses in KS may include:

• Wedding
• Special effects
• Daytime/evening
• Character
• Film/TV
• And more

When you compare makeup artist schools in Kansas you will want to ask their advisors or instructors how they help graduates find work after program completion. Makeup programs can vary in length as well as cost and financial aid options. Be sure to make a checklist of all of your concerns so you make the best decision.

Kansas make up artist working environments include:

• Film
• Theater
• TV
• Advertising
• Photography

How to Get a Makeup Artist License Renewed in Kansas

If you earn your cosmetology or esthetician license to use as your ‘makeup license,’ in Kansas, you will need to understand when to renew the type of credential you have. For those with either type of license you must renew within 30 days of your license expiration, which is every two years by the last day of your birth month. The cost to renew either of these licenses is $45.

Ready to take the next step and contact makeup schools in Kansas to learn how you can pursue a creative career where you get to make others look their best?

Contact the schools listed here to get moving!

Find Make-Up Artist Training Programs in Kansas

Find Cosmetology Schools Near You

Overland Park, KS
Cosmetology / Esthetics/Skin Care / Make-Up Artist Training / Nail Technology
School Accreditation

You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.