Beauty Schools News

How do I pick the best cosmetology program?

How do I pick the best cosmetology program?



It’s important to evaluate your beauty school options early on in the process to give you ample time to choose the right program for YOU!  This will allow you to look  at the requirements and make sure you’ve completed all of them before filling out applications to different programs. Almost all beauty schools require you have a high school degree or GED and pass an entrance exam but there are schools however that will accept you if you are finishing up your high school degree, on the grounds that you earn your degree on time. For instance, Empire Beauty School accepts high school seniors into their program. 

Once in a program, if you decide it’s not for you, you have the option to transfer to another school in your area.  The thing to be aware of though is that not all of your completed coursework may transfer.  Different schools have different teaching techniques, so they may not accept credits from other beauty programs.

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When should I apply for cosmetology school?

Cosmetology programs start several times throughout the year, usually in January, March, June, August, and October. You should plan on having all of your application materials submitted no later than 30 days before your start date. The length of your course will depend on your state’s requirements and whether you go to school full-time or part-time.

We recommend receiving information and touring as many beauty schools as possible before enrolling in one.  This will give you the chance to compare the cost of multiple programs, the teaching style, and observe their students in action. Even if you feel sure about your choice, seeing other schools can cement your decision and let you know that you’ve made the right choice.  Ready to start your cosmetology application process?

What questions should I ask while touring different cosmetology schools?

As you decide which beauty school is right for you, keep some thoughts and questions in the back of your mind.

  • Is the school accredited?
  • Does it offer financial aid?
  • Are the instructors interacting with students and helping them to ensure they are salon ready after graduation?

We think it’s also a great idea to talk with salons in your area to hear what their general impressions are of students who have graduated from that particular program to get a feel for if the program can help you be successful.  Talking to other cosmetologists will also help you get a feel for how their experience while in cosmetology school prepared them for the industry. Often times they’ll be able to tell you what schools have a good reputation and which ones to avoid.

Are you ready to take the first step?  Find a school today!

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How can I prepare for cosmetology school?

How can I prepare for cosmetology school?



Although cosmetology is a specialized program, vary rarely do you have to have cosmetology experience before being accepted into a program, but it’s always a great choice to have experience under your belt.

Take available cosmetology courses in high school

If you are in high school and interested in becoming a cosmetologist, you may be able to get a jump on your cosmetology education before you even graduate! Select cosmetology schools accept high school students on a part-time basis, allowing them to complete classes in the evening and on weekends. There are many vocational technical colleges that work with high schools as well to give students a basic education in cosmetology, preparing them for cosmetology school after high school graduation.

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There are also a number of high schools that have cosmetology programs within their course electives. You should take these programs for a number of reasons.  First, it will give you an idea on if you wish to pursue cosmetology after high school.  Secondly, the hours you spend in class will count towards the required hours for licensure.

Take Caroline Torres, a junior from San Benito High School, for example.  She enrolled in her high school’s cosmetology program because she wants to pursue hair and makeup after graduation.

“I was really excited about it.  I have a passion for doing hair and makeup.  I love it so far.  I have learned so many things.”- Caroline Torres

Gain industry experience

Another excellent opportunity is to work prior to cosmetology school in a salon as a hair washer, assistant or at the front desk, to get a better feel for the industry.   Not only does this work experience give prospective students a better glimpse into the cosmetology industry, but it’s a great way to make professional connections that can help you find employment after beauty school.

While prior experience isn’t necessary for success in cosmetology school, it can definitely help and we recommend taking advantage of any experience opportunities prior to cosmetology school!

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How can I pay for beauty school?

How can I pay for beauty school?



There are so many scholarships and financial aid opportunities that you should look into while applying for school. If you attend an accredited cosmetology school, you can apply for financial aid using the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). If you are considered low-income, you can get a Pell grant up to $2,700. Even if you don’t qualify for a grant, you can often get low-interest federal student loans. You don’t have to start paying these back until six months after graduation.

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Are there cosmetology scholarships available?

While loans are an option, there is no reason you shouldn’t try to get as many cosmetology scholarships as possible. There are scholarships available on a national level, including the Trade Essentials Scholarship, AHBAI  Scholarship, and the Farouk Systems Cosmetology Scholarship that are great starting points for you to look into. Additionally, there are numerous scholarship opportunities on a regional and school wide level. Many beauty schools will provide you with a list of local scholarships that you can apply for. Although there are smaller scholarship amounts, most are $1,000 or more and when you consider the overall low cost of beauty school, $1,000 scholarships add up quickly. Begin looking for cosmetology schools and their scholarship options to be ahead of the curve as soon as possible.

Will I be able to work while in cosmetology school?

Another option is to work your way through cosmetology school.  The majority of schools have classes during the daytime, although a few do offer programs during the evening or on weekends.  Cosmetology school is, on average, only about one year long and students need to work long hours to get their work done. This makes working full-time tough but not impossible.   Most students chose to work part-time work evening hours at places such as restaurants and retail stores.  In addition, once you have completed the required classroom work, you will be put on the floor to take clients under the supervision of your instructors.  Depending on your school, you may be allowed to accept tips for the services you have provided.

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